Gerard's Beauty [Marie Hall]

Gerard's Beauty (Kingdom Series, Book 2 Paranormal-Fantasy Romance) - Marie Hall
Gerard starts out as a complete ass and even by the end of the book thinks that harpy is a good affectionate nickname for his mate.  I didn't hate him, but he didn't quite redeem himself from the way he acted when he first met Betty.  
I knew in the first book, after Gerard said he didn't want a reader that he would end up with a reader.  Betty Hart is a geek and proud (and sometimes embarrassed) of it.  I really liked her.  Not too sure about Trisha, who is Betty's friend and co-worker (who just happens to be Hook's mate, although they haven't met yet).  

After Wolf's conversation with Danika at the start of this book, I'm really looking forward to his book. While he and Gerard are friends, he's quite willing to ask about the poor woman who is Gerard's mate.  Seems Wolf has a soft spot for all women. 

I could have done without Betty's ex-boyfriend's current girlfriend leaving rude messages and almost stalking her.  I think it was meant to make her more real, since this book takes place on Earth, so she knows people there.  It wasn't a big part of the book, really, but either don't include it or make it a bigger part.  It just seemed liked of random.