Bloodstone [Barbra Annino]

Bloodstone  - Barbra Annino

I didn't really like Ivy's little entries. I think it was all of the capital letters where there didn't really need to be capital letters.

All this mess for a page in a book seemed a little much. Murder, near murder, and people lying all over the place. It was none stop action but there were some points that I was a little lost (okay, a lot lost) The zombie powder was an interesting addition. I don't think I've ever seen that in fiction before (I've heard of it, since it has a voodoo connection and I have a friend with interest in voodoo).

This book added a lot of new stuff to this world, after I was thinking I'd like to read a book that only has one thing in it. I don't mean that there are vampires and werewolves in this book, but the history this book relates to was a little much.