Review: Fire Me Up by Katie MacAlister

Fire Me Up - Katie MacAlister

I read the first book in this series, You Slay Me, back in March of 2013. I was unaware that they are part of a larger series (Dragon Septs) and didn't care enough about either Drake or Aisling to read the other three books in the series. The first book didn't have a HEA but I didn't like Drake (I like him even less after reading this one!) so I didn't care about him and Aisling ending up together. I'm assuming they will at some point anyway (they are mates after all) and that's almost enough to make me NOT want to read the other two books in this series.

I was more interested in Jacob, the incubus that doesn't want to have sex but raise horses, then Drake. I don't want Aisling to end up with him over Drake I just REALLY don't like Drake.

I spent about half of this book wondering why I do this to myself (giving this series I second chance, what was I thinking?) but then the action really picked up and I couldn't leave it alone. I will be reading the next book, but I'm really hoping Drake has good reasons and a lot of groveling, otherwise I'm going to lose all respect for Aisling.

A note about the first book: I did like it, but was completely willing to consider it a stand alone novel since it wasn't a cliffhanger and I really disliked Drake.