Review: Scarlet (The Lunar Chronicles #2) by Marissa Meyer

Scarlet - Marissa Meyer

This one is a little confusing, since the first book was focused on Cinder (with some of Kai’s POV).  This one is Cinder, Thorne, Scarlet and Wolf with some others (like Kai).  Thorne is both amusing and annoying.  I really expected Cinder to punch him at some point.


It was a little odd to have Kai’s POV, with him questioning everything he thought he knew about Cinder.  He’s wondering if she’d glamoured him, which she couldn’t have done until really close to the end of Cinder. I can’t really blame him for wondering, but it was a bit hard to read since we (the reader) know better.


I was a little iffy on the idea of this one: I wasn’t sure if it was just going to be Scarlet or both Scarlet and Cinder.  I really liked Scarlet but I was really worried that I was going to end up hating this book because I didn’t care about Scarlet at all.

I guess Scarlet is Red Riding Hood, like Cinder is Cinderella.