Review: When Day Breaks by Maya Banks

I was really worried about the whole beauty and the beast theme of this book. I’ve been looking forward to Swanny’s book since we met him in Whispers in the Dark and I really didn’t want him to become someone’s idea of a “beast”. I think part of my apprehension was due to my dislike of part of the last book. Turns out, I didn’t really need to worry. No one does anything really really stupid in this book and there aren’t really any misunderstandings. Swanny thinks he isn’t good enough for Eden but she tells him she thinks he beautiful and that’s all there is to it really.
I really loved that Eden didn’t really notice the scar. I loved her and Swanny together. The summary/back cover is a little misleading since it suggests that Eden’s in danger because she’s famous and it’s really revenge for something her father did/witnessed years before. I expected her to have a stalker or crazed fan after her.