Review: Thorn by Intisar Khanani

This is one that I've been planning on reading for several days now and had trouble convincing myself to start it. After starting it, I had no trouble getting into it, it was just making myself start reading it that was the issue. Thorn is a fairy-tale retelling of a fairy-tale that I've never read before, The Goose Girl. I read the summary on Wikipedia, so I had a general idea of the plot. Maybe that was a bad idea, but it didn't really affect my enjoyment of this book, although it does follow the same general plotline that the original tale has.
I'm not sure if reading the summary for the original tale really had an effect on me reading this book. There are some things that happen in this book that I expected because I read the summary of the original tale and some things that happened that I didn't expect for the same reason.
I liked both Kestrin and Alyrra, which surprises me some since so many of the books I've read lately I've only really liked the heronie and the hero was just kind of there. I didn't care one way or the other. We don't see that much of Kestrin, since Alyrra spends so much time as a servant while in the palace and he is a prince.
I think I would have liked it better if Alyrra and Valka hadn't switched bodies/looks (not completely sure how that really worked). I kept having to remind myself that Alyrra looked like Valka and Valka looked like Alyrra. I understand why, since the king had already seen Alyrra, so they couldn't just change clothes like they do in the original fairy-tale.