Review: Helter Skelter by Della Galton

Helter Skelter - a fairground romance novel - Della Galton
I didn't really like Garrin all that much.  They both made mistakes, but I found it hard to understand why Vanessa loved him.  He was rude to her more often then not. I understand why he was angry with her, but being as rude as he was was uncalled for.  Richard came off a creepy, with stalker tendencies.  I expected a little more drama there.  

Vanessa does cheat on her husband, which I really hate.  It wasn't a deal breaker for me, since Richard was also cheating on her and she knew about it.  I hate cheating in books.  It would have been different if she'd really left him before having sex with Garrin but that kind of tainted my view of them both.